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Unable to open Spine trial on Windows 10
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The first time I ran the Spine trial it would not open. I uninstalled, restarted Windows and reinstalled the trial. I was able to open it a few times that night. Since then I can not get it to open. I've uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times. I don't use an antivirus. I've gone through the troubleshooting guide and tried anything that I thought might apply.
The only thing in the log is:
Spine Launcher 4.0.18 Trial
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2020 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Home amd64 10.0
I tried opening using cmd and it printed the exact same thing as the log.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the trouble. Could you please try running SpineTrial.com from the command line and pass the parameter "
trace" (without the quotes) and tell us what the output is?
Spine Launcher 4.0.18 Trial (23)
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2020 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Home amd64 10.0
TRACE: Parameter:
TRACE: Reading settings: C:\Users\Admin\SpineTrial\settings\start-1.json
TRACE: Monitor: #0, 1278x714x32bpp@60Hz
I'm using two monitors, but I don't see Spine on either monitor. If I push alt-tab, Spine is not one of the programs I am able to switch to.
Edit: If I use only one display then Spine will open every time. When using multiple displays it displays on a monitor that doesn't exist? That seems odd, I've not had that problem before. Any time I use multiple displays, everything opens on my main display. Why would that not be the case here?
My display drivers are up to date.
That is indeed behaviour we haven't seen before. Could you give us details on your display setup as well as your system specs, including what GPU(s) you run, and what driver version(s) you have installed?
I have two monitors, set to extend to the second display.
I'm using an RTX 2060 Super.
nVidia driver 457.51, released 12/02/2020.
I'm not sure what else you might want to know, if anything let me know.
It seems that the trial will now open even with multiple displays set. After setting it to a single display, opening the trial and then switching back to multiple displays before closing the trial, the issue appears to have been corrected.
I'm glad you found a way to fix it! It's very strange that happened though and we'd really like to fix it. We've tested enabling and disabling multiple displays, moving them so the last Spine location is off screen, etc and haven't been able to reproduce the problem.
To be sure, is the 1278x714 resolution shown in the Spine log the correct resolution for one of your monitors?
What's strange is that your log never gets to printing the GPU info or to Launcher window shown
. That means the problem is not that the window is shown off screen, but that it never gets to the code that shows the window. Instead it gets stuck somewhere. The most likely culprit is when initializing OpenGL, as that is pretty complex and relies on the GPU drivers. I don't mean to push all the blame the drivers of course, I'd much rather that we are able to fix it!
Yes, that is the correct resolution for one of my monitors.
I purchased the ESS edition and have not been able to reproduce that fix. Since I have uninstalled the trial and installed the purchased version, I have to switch to a single monitor to open Spine. After opening Spine I switch to multiple monitors again and I am able to use it, but I have to do this every time I open Spine.
I've tried opening and closing Spine using either monitor with single display set, but that doesn't help.
If I find out how to correct it I'll let you know.
Thank you.
Thanks for your patience as we work on this issue!
We've released a new launcher, version 4.0.19. Can you please try downloading Spine again, installing, and running with `
trace`? That may give us a little clue.
In case the updated launcher doesn't correct the problem, could you please tell us which monitors you are using?
I'm especially curious which monitor runs with a resolution of 1278x714
Also could it be that you are running any display sharing software? For example, to have a mobile device show up as a monitor, or any software related to monitors or arrange windows at all.
We've tried so many things now, but still can't reproduce the problem. There's got to be something interesting going on with your hardware or software setup that we are missing.
I did have 'Actual Multiple Monitors' installed until a few minutes ago. I have uninstalled it, I haven't used it in months anyways. Still have issues opening Spine, I did restart the computer after uninstalling Actual Multiple Monitors. The only other display software that I can recall at the moment is my MSI display software, but that only recognizes my main display
When running
trace with the new launcher I now get:
c:\Program Files\Spine>spine.com
TRACE: Home: c:\Program Files\Spine
Spine Launcher 4.0.20 (23)
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2020 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Home amd64 10.0
TRACE: Parameter:
TRACE: Reading settings: C:\Users\Admin\Spine\settings\start-1.json
TRACE: Monitor: #0, 1278x714x32bpp@60Hz
TRACE: Initializing OpenGL...
I let it sit for about 10 minutes and nothing else popped up.
The display with the 1278x714 resolution is a dynex tv. My main monitor is an acer monitor.
As far as my setup, there's not much to it. Two displays, both are wired, i9 cpu, rtx 2060 super.
Anything else you'd like to know, just ask.
We experimented with Actual Multiple Monitors but didn't find it to cause any problems with Spine. Damn, it seemed likely!
Your log indicates that something hangs during OpenGL initialization. Our best guess so far is something bad is happening with the graphics driver, but to really dig into it we need to see it happening. We don't currently have an RTX 2060 but we've tested with an RTX 2070 Super and an RTX 2080 without luck. If other users with the same problem are using an RTX 2060 then we may need to buy one. Someone just posted what looks like the same problem.
We've create a little tool that creates an OpenGL window similar to Spine, but is a whole lot simpler and does more logging. Our hope is that if this is run on a computer that has problems launching Spine when multiple monitors are connected, then the logging will give us some clues so we can fix Spine.
The tool can be downloaded here. To run it, from a command line type:
java -jar testopengl.jar
You'll need a relatively new version of Java, for example Java 15 which you can get here. Under 15 GA
click the zip
link to download, then extract the ZIP to a folder and find the bin
subfolder. That contains the java.exe
file that you need to run the command above. For example:
C:\path\to\java.exe -jar C:\path\to\testopengl.jar
What you run the tool it should show a bright green window with buttons to minimize, fullscreen, maximize, and close. If you don't see that then please paste all the logging the tool output in the command window. Thanks a lot for your help!
c:\jdk-15\bin>java.exe -jar testopengl.jar
Monitors detected:
#0 1278x714x32bpp@60Hz
#1 1920x1080x32bpp@60Hz
Using monitor: #0, 1278x714x32bpp@60Hz
Setting up display.
Setting display canvas.
Setting display title.
Setting display resizable.
Setting display background.
Setting display location.
Setting display pixel format.
That's all I get, it doesn't open a window.
Thanks! That is actually sort of good, it means the simple test sees the same problem. It's a loooot easier to work on than Spine, which is much more complex.
Can you please try this, to run Test1? (using the same testopengl.jar
file you already downloaded)
java -cp testopengl.jar Test1
That will run the simplest possible test. This will help narrow down the problem.
And also:
java -cp testopengl.jar Test2
That will run a slightly more complex test than Test1, but not as complex as Test3 (Test3 is run when you do -jar
Can you please let me know the exact version of Windows you are on? Instructions to find that are here. It would also be very helpful if you could let us know the exact version of the graphics driver you are using. Our hope is that we can use these versions to reproduce the problem. If not it is much harder to debug and we may need to create another test tool.
Thank you for your assistance and patience as we work through this problem!
C:\jdk-15\bin>java -cp testopengl.jar Test1
Setting up display.
Setting display title.
Setting display resizable.
Setting display background.
Setting display location.
Setting display pixel format.
Setting display buffer format.
Initializing OpenGL.
Extracting version.
Extracting extensions.
Extensions: 398
Creating OpenGL instances.
Checking FBO support.
Checking seamless cube map support.
Enabling seamless cube maps.
OpenGL initialization complete.
Test1 is running.
Test1 window opens.
C:\jdk-15\bin>java -cp testopengl.jar Test2
Setting up display.
Setting display canvas.
Setting display title.
Setting display resizable.
Setting display background.
Setting display location.
Setting display pixel format.
Setting display buffer format.
Initializing OpenGL.
Extracting version.
Extracting extensions.
Extensions: 398
Creating OpenGL instances.
Checking FBO support.
Checking seamless cube map support.
Enabling seamless cube maps.
OpenGL initialization complete.
Test2 is running.
Test2 window opens.
Windows 10 Home 64bit, version 20H2, OS Build 19042.685, Experience 120.2212.551.0
nVidia driver is 460.79.
No problem, it would be nice to not have to mess with displays to open Spine.
This is surprising, I expected Test2 to fail like Test3. Now we just need to narrow down the difference!
We've updated the tool at the same link. Can you please try running tests 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8? You don't have to paste the output, I'd just like to know which of those shows the window, if any. If the window has no title bar, you can click anywhere to exit.
Test4 works. It says it's using monitor #0, the tv, but it actually displays on my main monitor which is listed as monitor #1.
Test5 fails at pixel format.
Test6 works. It says it's using monitor #0 and opens on monitor #0.
Test7 is the same as Test6.
Test8 is the same as Test6.
Fantastic, thank you! I believe the information you have provided is sufficient to solve the problem. It appears that some graphics drivers really don't like if we change the application's window size/position too early. We've implemented a fix in launcher version 4.0.21 and editor version 4.0.43-beta. Both are released now. Please note you'll need to download and reinstall Spine to get the latest launcher. I'm anxious to hear how it goes!
I uninstalled the previous version of Spine and reset my computer. I launched Spine with my display set to 'extend' and it still didn't open. I switched to single display and opened the launcher, set the version to 4.0.43-beta and before I clicked 'Start' I switched back to 'extend'. Spine opened with multiple displays. I had tried that with the previous version and the launcher wouldn't open unless it was set to single display.
After Spine opened I closed it and opened the launcher again. It opened with multiple displays.
It seems to still have an issue when opening the first time, but after you get it open and switch to multiple displays it works.
I have also noticed that Spine leaves the 'Start menu' shortcuts when uninstalling, maybe I had an issue with this version because of a setting that was left behind by a previous version? Just speculation.
Thank you guys, I really appreciate it! After I recover from Christmas I plan on purchasing the Pro version. This software is great! Using the runtimes to import the animations looks so much better than using spritesheets, plus the amount of space saved, and decrease in load times is fantastic!
Thank you!
And obviously the support!
Edit: After switching the Spine version back to 3.8.99 and restarting Spine, it will still open with multiple displays. I believe this was not the case before the new update, but I only tried it once and did not wait more than a couple seconds for Spine to open.