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Spine Features: Kickstarter #2
The new Kickstarter is now live:
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eso ... e-features
If anything the video shows off the future of Spine.
Let go to see this!!
Hey Nate, Shiu! I'd like to put some posts up on my dA and tumblr accounts to let people know about the Kickstarter (and Spine itself).
Do you have some logo or any image I can stick on posts to make it look interesting and not just a block of text? Is there a Youtube version of the Kickstarter video I can embed?
Pharan you can grab the Spine artpack from here http://esotericsoftware.com/spine/files ... rtpack.zip
And youtube here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5KbK-YxBKQ
Would be cool if you could use the Kickstarter video link instead though (even if the quality isn't as good) use this code for that.
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/esotericsoftware/spine-features/widget/video.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe>
I really want to fund this second Kickstarter (lots of cool goodies!!!) but am not sure what level to support it at. I funded the previous one and have a Pro license so I don't need that. The workshop doesn't really interest me. But.... I'd still like to throw some money your way...
Any ideas?
Woo! Alright! Done! Missed the first one so I need to make up for it by pledging at the max level. You guys deserve every bit. Keep up the great work guys!
Hoping for the best!
http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/esoter ... -features/
Even if I own the first version already ,you'll have my support as well , I really hope this kickstarter will be a huge success !
What, I just purchased $249 for a PRO version the day before yesterday
tescott ha scrittoBut.... I'd still like to throw some money your way...
Same here. I've also backed the previous Kickstarter and I already have Pro version, but I want to throw some money anyway. Thanks for your hard work.
For previous kick starter backers, there is the $15 supporter and $45 workshop backing levels to fund I think. No doubt Nate or Shui can expand on that
Thanks for all the support guys!
@tescott, we don't really have much else to give. :S Open to ideas though! The Kickstarter is really supposed to be about funding the new features and not a store, but if we didn't discount licenses, few would pledge. Kickstarter allows pledging without choosing a reward. A number of people have pledged $1.
You can shoot us an email (contact@esotericsoftware.com) if you purchased a Professional license in the last couple days and want a refund, but keep in mind that if you back the Kickstarter you won't receive your license until November 24th when it is over.
Throwing out a few ideas:
- Esoteric Software gear (t-shirts, mugs, etc.) w/your guys' logo and/or some art by Shiu
"I funded the Spine Kickstarter and all I got was this kick-ass t-shirt".
- "Special" backer-only spritesheets / artwork for use with Spine by Shiu
- Games developed using Spine get a showcase on the Esoteric Software site or some other free publicity
- Your name ... in the credits ... in ... 144 pt font! Wahoo! :yes:
I'd like to pledge at well above the $1 level. Spine has really let me do things I otherwise wouldn't have done in my game Dragon Swoopers. I think the new features will add even more polish.
Stretch goals:
Watch Moo do tricks.
Someone who's active in the Unity forums needs to post about the Kickstarter. I think a LOT of Unity users are looking for something like this.
I pledged only $45 cos I'm a bit short on cash now, but if I'll see that it's not enough I'll throw in more
I'll talk to guys at pixelfederation.sk who have the game Trainstation and Diggy's Adventure at Facebook. They were talking about Spine. I'll ask them if they wouldnt back.
Also, there are "Game Spot" meetings of game developers here in Slovakia every month. I'll try to set the topic about Spine for the next event maybe it'll help.
Good luck!
Gear has a lot of logistics: need to have it made, ship it, plus the time that stuff takes from other things. We already "lose" from Amazon and Kickstarter fees and discounted licenses, don't want to add more overhead. We had a game showcase pledge the first Kickstarter but no one has ever wanted to use it. We'll give new rewards some more thought. Moo tricks could work!
Thanks Adam!
I was wondering if you have any kind of date for the feature you will implement.
I realize that there is a huge amount of work getting the FFD done, and updating the runtime!
This would be usefull for me to have a vague Idea in order to know if I can wait for it before starting the asset prod or if I needs to build a temporary solution until it's ready
can't wait it's gonna be amazing
Meshes come first, then FFD, then probably skinning, then IK pinning. I'd like to have meshes and FFD within 2 months, but can't make promises.
Backed! Thanks for the great customer support!