dearchris Hi, I import spine-unity 3.8 (updated 2020-11-13), on mac open the project, It show error message: spineboy-pro spine version is 3.6.50 Doi_SkeletonData spine version is 3.6.18 But why it can run normal without error
Harald It seems as if you have some leftover Spine 3.6 skeleton asset files in your project, as the error describes. If you are upgrading your project from 3.6 to 3.8 please be sure to follow the documentation: spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Updating the spine unity Runtime If you have upgraded to 3.8 before, you have most likely not followed the documentation above in terms of deleting the Spine and Spine Examples directories before installing the new 3.8 spine-unity unitypackage. Then leftover files from the previous 3.6 package will cause problems. dearchris wroteBut why it can run normal without error Unused 3.6 assets won't cause a problem when they fail to import, if no scene uses them.