• Unity
  • Unity 2D animation VS Spine?

Spine customer support sucks! as paid software, they didn't reply to the question from clients often, when you are running your project but can't use Spine, you can't get help from them, it sucks!!

Spine launcher sucks! I know to be a software company, you are worry people use your software by illegal, we understand and we pay, but if you can't 100 percent make sure your luncher can running well with your stupid some license check, don't do it, I can't run spine for 2 days and I can't get any response from this company yet, it is an unbelievable shitty launcher I have never met!

Spine shader sucks! if you use a normal map, the alpha area problem will force you to give up, so if you want to make an awesome character with a normal map, the spine will disappoint you very much!!

awful third party plugin support, Spine never wants to try to support any unity third-party package. like Playmaker or anything, although some third-party plugin try to support Spine, but the result is not good, because Spine runtime update often.

<a whole bunch of rude stuff deleted>

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You wrote to us 4 hours ago about not being able to launch Spine via email, then on the forum. I have replied to you 11 minutes ago, after starting my work day and going through dozens of other emails, asking for more information, as the information you provided was insufficient to fix the problem you have. We generally reply to emails and forums within 24 hours. Usually you get a reply much faster (if we are awake). All of our team is currently located in CEST, so please be mindful of the timezone differences. I doubt you can get a direct reply from Unity Technologies within such a tight timeframe.

The "problems" you mention you never brought up here on the forum or via email. Nothing is perfect, and there's always things to improve. But people have to let us know what specific areas are problematic. Only then can we make Spine better in that specific area.

It is not license enforcement that is causing you grief. Spine contacts the servers to download the update files. We do updates very often so Spine needs to be able to download updates. Note we will soon release a new launcher that improves how updates are downloaded.

Regarding third-party plugin support, it is impossible for us to support each and every plugin on the Unity asset store. We do work with some plugin creators to make sure Spine works with them, for example 2D Toolkit (TK2D). Unfortunately, we do not support Playmaker. Still, a number of Spine users are using Playmaker successfully.

For license and refunding question, please write us an email to contact@esotericsoftware.com.

muramasa ha scritto

Spine shader sucks! if you use a normal map, the alpha area problem will force you to give up, so if you want to make an awesome character with a normal map, the spine will disappoint you very much!!

If you can describe in detail what the mentioned "alpha area problem" is that you are encountering (there is no known limitation that I can think of right now), then we can help you with that.