Hello! I'm countering this problem, too.
My character need to perform very complex movement in move animations, attack animations....
So i have to animate root motion in Spine to get better result. This post helps a lot, thanks!
But i am trying to do the same thing on Y Axis(Height).
First, sorry for my English. Second, i am not a programmer(I am animator) and new to Spine.
I modify Mitch's code. Add a animation curve to catch y transform.
But it works totally wrong... and can not figure out how to fix it...
Seems GetXYAtTime() are returning both x transform..
public class SkeletonRootMotion : MonoBehaviour {
SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation;
int rootBoneIndex = -1;
// animation curves for copy position
AnimationCurve rootMotionCurve;
AnimationCurve rootMotionCurveY;
void OnEnable(){
if(skeletonAnimation == null)
skeletonAnimation = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
// add events
skeletonAnimation.UpdateState += ApplyRootMotion;
skeletonAnimation.UpdateBones += UpdateBones;
void OnDisable(){
// remove events
skeletonAnimation.UpdateState -= ApplyRootMotion;
skeletonAnimation.UpdateBones -= UpdateBones;
void Start(){
rootBoneIndex = skeletonAnimation.skeleton.FindBoneIndex( skeletonAnimation.skeleton.RootBone.Data.Name );
skeletonAnimation.state.Start += HandleStart;
void HandleStart (Spine.AnimationState state, int trackIndex)
//must use first track for now
if(trackIndex != 0)
rootMotionCurve = null;
rootMotionCurveY = null;
// get current animation
Spine.Animation anim = state.GetCurrent(trackIndex).Animation;
//find the root bone's translate curve
foreach(Timeline t in anim.Timelines){
if(t.GetType() != typeof(TranslateTimeline))
TranslateTimeline tt = (TranslateTimeline)t;
if(tt.boneIndex == rootBoneIndex){
//sample the root curve's X value
//TODO: cache this data? Maybe implement RootMotionTimeline instead and keep it in SkeletonData
rootMotionCurve = new AnimationCurve();
rootMotionCurveY = new AnimationCurve();
float time = 0;
float increment = 1f/30f;
int frameCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(anim.Duration / increment);
for(int i = 0; i <= frameCount; i++){
Vector2 v = GetXYAtTime(tt, time);
rootMotionCurve.AddKey(time, v.x);
rootMotionCurveY.AddKey(time, v.y);
time += increment;
//borrowed from TranslateTimeline.Apply method
Vector2 GetXYAtTime(TranslateTimeline timeline, float time){
float[] frames = timeline.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) return (new Vector2(frames[1], frames[1])); // Time is before first frame.
Bone bone = skeletonAnimation.skeleton.RootBone;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - 3]) { // Time is after last frame.
return (new Vector2(bone.data.x + frames[frames.Length - 2] - bone.x, bone.data.y + frames[frames.Length - 2] - bone.y));
// Interpolate between the last frame and the current frame.
int frameIndex = Spine.Animation.binarySearch(frames, time, 3);
float lastFrameX = frames[frameIndex - 2];
float frameTime = frames[frameIndex];
float percent = 1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frameIndex + -3] - frameTime);
percent = timeline.GetCurvePercent(frameIndex / 3 - 1, percent < 0 ? 0 : (percent > 1 ? 1 : percent));
return (new Vector2(bone.data.x + lastFrameX + (frames[frameIndex + 1] - lastFrameX) * percent - bone.x, bone.data.y + lastFrameX + (frames[frameIndex + 1] - lastFrameX) * percent - bone.y));
void ApplyRootMotion(SkeletonAnimation skelAnim){
if(rootMotionCurve == null || rootMotionCurveY == null)
TrackEntry t = skelAnim.state.GetCurrent(0);
if(t == null)
int loopCount = (int)(t.Time / t.EndTime);
int lastLoopCount = (int)(t.LastTime / t.EndTime);
//disregard the unwanted
if(lastLoopCount < 0) lastLoopCount = 0;
float currentTime = t.Time - (t.EndTime * loopCount);
float lastTime = t.LastTime - (t.EndTime * lastLoopCount);
float delta = 0;
float deltaY = 0;
float a = rootMotionCurve.Evaluate(lastTime);
float aY = rootMotionCurveY.Evaluate(lastTime);
float b = rootMotionCurve.Evaluate(currentTime);
float bY = rootMotionCurveY.Evaluate(currentTime);
//detect if loop occurred and offset
if(loopCount > lastLoopCount){
float e = rootMotionCurve.Evaluate(t.EndTime);
float eY = rootMotionCurveY.Evaluate(t.EndTime);
float s = rootMotionCurve.Evaluate(0);
float sY = rootMotionCurveY.Evaluate(0);
delta = (e-a) + (b-s);
deltaY = (eY-aY) + (bY-sY);
delta = b - a;
deltaY = bY - aY;
delta *= -1;
deltaY *= -1;
//TODO: implement Rigidbody2D and Rigidbody hooks here
Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(transform.position.x+2, 2, 0), new Vector3(transform.position.x+2, 2+deltaY, 0), Color.red, .2f);
void UpdateBones(SkeletonAnimation skelAnim){
//reset the root bone's x component to stick to the origin
skelAnim.skeleton.RootBone.X = 0;
skelAnim.skeleton.RootBone.Y = 0;
Hope some one can give me a hand. THANKS!! ๐
Oh... I found the problem..
Because the data of frames are written as [time, x, y, ....., time, x, y] !