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  • IllustratorToSpine script not working correctly

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Sorry, I'm not sure, if this is the right branch for script related issues.

The export script for illustrator doesn't seem to be working right. For me some files it exports just fine, for others - it doesn't create the json no matter what (even though the "write json"setting is activated). I asked around, and it seems like I'm the only one for whom the script actually worked at least sometimes. People are exporting AI files to PSD and then using PhotoshopToSpine script for export.

I don't think that its a very popular script, since no one seems to report here on it failing, but personally, I would love to see it working. So, no pressure: you guys are doing a great job anyway, both on the community and software fronts, but I thought you might want to know about this. 😉

(ps. Im using CC 2017 on win10)

Hello Mudoxy,

Can you provide a sample file that the script is unable to export?
You can send one to contact@esotericsoftware.com mentioning this forum topic so that I can test it.

You can also find the instructions to use the script here: (In case perhaps you're missing a step to get it to work correcly)
spine-scripts/illustrator at master · EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts

The Photoshop to Spine script is definitely more powerful in terms of organization capabilities thanks to tags, but still the illustrator script should not fail.