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您需要使用用于导出框架二进制文件的确切Spine编辑器版本。 .skel文件的版本为3.5.51。
You need to use the exact Spine Editor version you used to export the skeleton binary file. The .skel file has version 3.5.51.
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这是3.5.51中的已知错误。 请删除您的prefs.json文件。 你可以在这里找到它:
Windows:<用户主文件夹> \ Spine \ prefs.json
Mac:<用户主文件夹> / Library / Application Support / Spine / prefs.json
Linux:<用户主文件夹> /。spine / prefs.json
您能告诉我们为什么要使用3.5.51而不是较新的Spine版本吗? 与游戏引擎有关吗? 如果是这样,它是哪个游戏引擎以及哪个版本?
This is a known bug in 3.5.51. Please delete your prefs.json file. You can find it here:
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\prefs.json
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/prefs.json
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/prefs.json
Could you tell us why you are using 3.5.51 instead of a newer Spine version? Is it related to a game engine? If so, which game engine is it and what version?
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You showed you can't run 3.5.51. We told you what you need to do to run 3.5.51. You have not showed that 3.5.51 fails to load the binary file. Please delete your prefs.json
file so you can run 3.5.51, then import the binary file. If that fails, post the contents of your spine.log
您显示无法运行3.5.51。 我们告诉您运行3.5.51需要做什么。 您尚未显示3.5.51无法加载二进制文件。 请删除您的prefs.json
文件,以便您可以运行3.5.51,然后导入二进制文件。 如果失败,则发布spine.log
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I imported the project fine, you can open this with any newer version of Spine:
I got the warning about internal edges but your project will still work fine. I explained that for you here:
Import skel file wrong with Spine 3.5
And in the post linked from there:
Nonessential Data consequences
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Aha, I understand now. I am sorry you are having such trouble! It seems that 3.5.51 does not import the .skel
file correctly, even though the 3.5.51 Skeleton Viewer shows it correctly. Unfortunately 3.5.51 is very old and it is difficult for us to work on.
Are you able to tell what the problem is? Maybe you can fix it by increasing the scale on the region attachments F_tou
, F_zhengyan
, and F_xiong
Ideally you can find the .spine
file. Have you looked in the Spine backup folder on a computer that was used to create the project? To find that folder, in Spine go to Settings, Files, Backups, and click Open.
Actually, I managed to verify that 3.5.51 does load the .skel
file correctly, however the images extracted from your texture atlas are too small. Spine uses the actual image sizes while Skeleton Viewer uses the sizes stored in the data. This means Skeleton Viewer scales up the images so it looks right (but pixelated) while Spine shows the images using their actual size, so the images are too small and the skeleton looks wrong.
It looks like your atlas was exported with a scale of 0.5. Here I scaled up the face and eyes images to be twice as large, and it looks about right: Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque
Instead of scaling up your images, all you need to do is import the binary data using a scale of 0.5. I have done that for you and here is a 3.8 project file that looks right in Spine: