• Unity
  • Spine Unity Visual Studio Issue


since i've upgraded from Spine 3.7 to spine 3.8, i have an issue with VS2017.
The previous code is not recognized by Visual Studio!
It is showned as bellow :

CS0246 "SkeletonAnimation" could not be found (missing directiv or assembly)
CS0246 "SkeletonGraphic" could not be found (missing directiv or assembly)

using Spine.Unity;
using Spine;

private SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimalAnimation;
  private SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphicAnimation;

VS does recognize using Spine and using Spine.Unity but not the rest....

I saw a previous post


but i have no name space issue...instead its like VS was not using it

Related Discussions

It might be a problem related to assembly definition files.

Are you using an assembly definition file at the folder your problematic script is located in (or does any parent folder contain one)? If yes, then please add a reference to the spine-unity assembly (located in Spine/Runtime/spine-unity.asmdef).

If you are not using any assembly definition file, you could try if deleting the two spine-unity assembly definition files helps:
Spine/Runtime/spine-unity.asmdef and