Arnissan Some of my rigs glitch out when parented under Rect Transform objects. They also scale down like x50 times and need to be scaled up again. Should I avoid parenting worldspace skeletons under UI elements? I can't use SkeletonGraphic due to this issue: SkeletonGraphic (UI) issues Spine: Latest Runtimes: Latest Unity: 2019.1.9f1
Mario Not the Unity expert, but my understanding is that you have to use SkeletonGraphics under UI elements. The SkeletonGraphics issue you refered to above will be fixed next week, couple of people are currently on vacation. Sorry for the wait.
Harald As badlogic pointed out, you need to use SkeletonGraphic if you want to use it as a UI element to respect parent RectTransforms. Regarding you issue mentioned above, please see my answer on the respective thread. SkeletonGraphic (UI) issues