Is it possible to load on SDK side json from 3.6 with latest SDK for 3.8?
Spine 3.8 released - mesh tracing, polygon packing, and more
This is a great update, a lot of super useful stuff, and the cherry on top of everything is that the UI keeps getting better and better, this is really a software for artists. I simply love Spine. :heart:
I don't know where and how but I received a notification in my Windows that was telling something about a new logo for Spine, is that a thing?
puzzler ha scrittoIs it possible to load on SDK side json from 3.6 with latest SDK for 3.8?
I'm not sure what you mean? If you write some code you can load anything. However, it's likely easier to export from the version of Spine that matches your runtimes.
Fabiano il Flaco ha scrittoI don't know where and how but I received a notification in my Windows that was telling something about a new logo for Spine, is that a thing?
Nope, that's not a thing! Maybe you have a screenshot?
After downloading the update and exporting animation changes to our characters, my programmer says Unity is now rejecting the exports. He says the image files are there but it is not properly referencing them, so in short all of the characters and animations are not functioning. Any idea why this would be and is there an easy fix? Thanks
Hello lunchlady180, did you also re-export your characters with Spine v3.8 as required to match the new runtime update?
Editor exports and runtime versions should always match.
If you have many characters, you can automate the update of the exports using Spine via Command Line: Export - Spine User Guide: Command line
I am having a compatibility issue with 3.8 .json files, on GameMaker Studio 2. My programmer states that there is a console error; the engine does not recognize the Spine file. We have been using 3.7 .json files. Is there a solution to this or do we need to wait for YoYo Games to update compatibility?
Error is as followed:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Object]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[System.String,System.Object]'.
It's a mistake I personally made, but so far I really appreciate the changes in 3.8.
YoYo Games will need to update GMS2 with the 3.8 runtimes before you can use 3.8 exports in GMS2.
Nate ha scrittoFabiano il Flaco ha scrittoI don't know where and how but I received a notification in my Windows that was telling something about a new logo for Spine, is that a thing?
Nope, that's not a thing! Maybe you have a screenshot?
Ah it was a YouTube notification. Maybe the title of the video changed later.
I hope that, if you're ever going to change the logo, you're going to change its font
I'm unsure if this is the correct place to report this, please direct me elsewhere if there is a better place.
There seems to be an error in the spine-csharp project with this update. I just pulled down the code from GitHub - EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes: 2D skeletal animation runtimes for Spine. in order to update from 3.7 to latest. We are building from source, and after updating I ran into an error in Skin.cs because it did not know what Spine.Collections was. After poking at it for a moment, I noticed there is no reference to OrderedDictionary.cs where this is defined in the spine-csharp csproj file.
I was able to fix it easily enough by simply including Collections/OrderedDictionary.cs into the project. However wanted to make sure people were aware of it.
Error aside, this updates looks great! Thanks to the dev team for all their continued work!
Just noticed there was a bug forum. I'll put the error there. Ignore me!
being able to create characters with different body type (tall, fat, etc.) in a single spine is so cool!
can't wait to test it!
I also wonder what's that secret feature for v3.9 :think:
My wish (because we have developed our own solution for that in our studio and we are not really happy about it) would be something to manage multiple animations at the same time (like playing an animation on the legs while having another one on the arms) directly in the editor.
anyway thanks guys
Thank you for the new release! Great to see the Soft IK feature finally in
I was wondering if among the ghosting changes you implemented ghosting for bones, so it is easier to check the curves of an animation as we discussed in this thread:
Motion Trail
Not yet, we did consider it for 3.8 but it didn't quite make it!
Can you help me? I have 3 spines of version "3.8.59", 3 spines "3.8.6" and one spine "3.7.94".
Besides, I have the latest version of unity3d plugin, and when I import them, 3 spines of version "3.8.59" has the same error
InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
Spine.Unity.Editor.AssetUtility.GetRequiredAtlasRegions (System.String skeletonDataPath) (at Assets/Utils/SpinePlugin/Spine/Editor/spine-unity/Editor/Utility/AssetUtility.cs:128)
Spine.Unity.Editor.AssetUtility.ImportSpineContent (System.String[] imported, Boolean reimport) (at Assets/Utils/SpinePlugin/Spine/Editor/spine-unity/Editor/Utility/AssetUtility.cs:304)
Spine.Unity.Editor.AssetUtility.HandleOnPostprocessAllAssets (System.String[] imported) (at Assets/Utils/SpinePlugin/Spine/Editor/spine-unity/Editor/Utility/AssetUtility.cs:91)
Spine.Unity.Editor.SpineEditorUtilities.OnPostprocessAllAssets (System.String[] imported, System.String[] deleted, System.String[] moved, System.String[] movedFromAssetPaths) (at Assets/Utils/SpinePlugin/Spine/Editor/spine-unity/Editor/Utility/SpineEditorUtilities.cs:74)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:222)
Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:232)
System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MethodBase.cs:115)
UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessingInternal.PostprocessAllAssets (System.String[] importedAssets, System.String[] addedAssets, System.String[] deletedAssets, System.String[] movedAssets, System.String[] movedFromPathAssets) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/AssetPostprocessor.cs:141)
UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtilityrojectWindowDrag(HierarchyProperty, Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUIUtilityrocessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
But, other animations imported without errors.
Nate ha scrittoNot yet, we did consider it for 3.8 but it didn't quite make it!
Thank you, hopefully for next release
Fabiano il Flaco ha scrittoI hope that, if you're ever going to change the logo, you're going to change its font
That's exactly what the new logo was for. The video must have gotten public before the title was changed!
great update!
It will be great to have some tool to migrate json 3.6 to latest json 3.8 ... is it possible somehow? It's too hard to reexport whole 500 files to latest version. Any solution to simplify life?
I would love to use the new updated version 3.8, but I would have to re export every animation I have, since we keep updating our games online, again. we are talking years of work, on countless projects, with settings I no longer remember. since all our games are updated at the same time, we would have to upgrade to newest version, then in a mad panic try to find, and re export all of 3 years of animations again. is there another way, please?
it is becoming a problem, and that problem will only grow.
also, what happens the next time you decide to do an update that doesn't support older version of exports, and we are 5, 7 or 9 years in? will you just as calmly ask us to export everything again?
puzzler ha scrittoIt will be great to have some tool to migrate json 3.6 to latest json 3.8 ... is it possible somehow? It's too hard to reexport whole 500 files to latest version. Any solution to simplify life?
You can do all your exports from the command line:
Export - Spine User Guide: Command line
It's not hard to write a script that exports all your project files in one go. Please create a new topic if you'd like assistance with this. ha scrittoI would love to use the new updated version 3.8, but I would have to re export every animation I have, since we keep updating our games online, again. we are talking years of work, on countless projects, with settings I no longer remember. since all our games are updated at the same time, we would have to upgrade to newest version, then in a mad panic try to find, and re export all of 3 years of animations again. is there another way, please?
Sorry, there isn't another way. The JSON data is intended for use at runtime, not for long term storage.
It should not be a terribly difficult problem since there are very few settings for exporting JSON/binary, which is all you need to re-export. You don't need to export your atlases again. However, if you wanted to, for a long time now export settings are stored in the project file, so that is likely easier than you might expect. ha scrittoalso, what happens the next time you decide to do an update that doesn't support older version of exports, and we are 5, 7 or 9 years in?
To import data into the editor, you need to use the version of the editor that exported the data. Newer editors do not officially support importing data from older versions, though sometimes that does work coincidentally. You can import the data then save a project file. Once you have a project file, you can open that with any newer version of the editor. ha scrittowill you just as calmly ask us to export everything again?
Whenever you update your runtime version (excluding patch releases, where version numbers are major.minor.patch
), you will need to export your project files to JSON or binary again. This can be automated using the command line interface. You can write a script to re-export all your projects at once. If needed you can even write a script to load an old version of Spine, import old data, save a project file, load that project file in a new version of Spine, and do an export.
Nate, this is insane to re export whole project files to migrate from 6 to 8 ... I know command line tools. It took several years to develop animations, different path, different export names, renames and etc. It's impossible just to use "command line tool". Need a better way to support old formats on SDK side.