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I want to export 2 atlas with separating image folders.
I saw the following page:
Texture Packing - Spine User Guide: Packing

And I tried it but I can't get same result.
When I exported, just 1 atlas was exported.

I guess the screenshot in this page is old version because there is no option with Texture atlas.
Was there any changing with version up?

I would appreciate it if you could answer my question.

FYI, I use "Spine 3.7.87" .

Well... I'm sorry, I found I could export 2 atlas with "Texture packer".

But it is bother I can't export 2 atlas with JSON export...
I hope I can export it with JSON export one day.


Hello Misaki! yes, you can currently export separate texture atlases only with texture packer as it gives you more flexibility in organizing your images than just using the skeleton in your project, as you can include folders from different Spine projects, or even images that are in no Spine project at all, but are required in your game, such as UI or backgrounds.

as you can include folders from different Spine projects, or even images that are in no Spine project at all

Ohhhhhhh! I didn't know it!!!
I have tried it and I confirmed it is possible now.
Thank you for your information!