tjbrunetto ha scrittoDo I need to key everysingle keyframe and make sure that every single thing has a control variable on it?
Having a key on frame zero is sufficient. You don't need a key on every frame.
tjbrunetto ha scrittoTrack 0 is the idle animation, and track 1 and 2 are being mixed together in order to produce the aiming animation.
To correct the semantics: Tracks are layered, applied one on top of another. Animations on the same track are mixed when a mix duration is set.
Track 0 is idle, track 1 is aiming, track 2 is also aiming? Why?
tjbrunetto ha scrittoThe arm dips when those two tracks (1 and 2) are being phased into the nothing animation and track 0 is taking over and starting the idle animation.
You are setting an empty animation to mix out tracks 1 and 2 to nothing. The arm will transition from the track 1 and 2 poses to the idle animation. I don't understand the problem?
Dipping is where, on a track > 0, you are mixing out one animation and mixing in another. The dipping is when you see the pose from a lower track during that mixing. If you are mixing out animations, you can't be seeing dipping. It might help to show the AnimationState setAnimation
calls you are making.
I dug up the video your sent a while ago. You seem to be playing a running animation on a lower track than the aiming animations. I think your best bet is to give us instructions on how to choose animations in Skeleton Viewer so we can see the problem.