• Unity
  • LWRP Layer Issues

Hello, we are currently trying to set up our project using the lightweight rendering pipeline. Importing assets into a normal 2D project everything appears fine. However; when creating a project with the LWRP, spine assets appear to have layering problems.

I have attached an image of what my scene view looks like in the project with the LWRP. Is there anything special I have to do in order to get a project that is using the LWRP + Spine? The asset has multiple skins for example the two characters above are created from the same skeleton data asset. Multiple pngs make up the asset, so upon importing the spine assets to the project I wind up with more than one material.

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LWRP may have weirder rules when it comes to sorting multiple materials. I haven't used it enough to know what those are. But this is in the realm of Unity. The Spine-Unity code only orders Materials as they are used by attachments, which should result in correct order if the renderers just follow it as is.

5 mesi dopo

We're having a similar issue where one of our characters' layers are rendering out of order on LWRP – specifically, a character with more than one material. I did notice that LWRP does not support multi-pass shaders, which the Spine/Skeleton shader does use. However, commenting out the later pass (which I think is for rendering shadows, which we don't need) does not solve the layering issue, so that might be a red herring.

As you say, does seem like a LWRP problem with multiple materials, but I haven't been able to pry out any further information about that.

5 mesi dopo

Thanks for the info! We will get back to you once we know more about it and have a proper solution at hand.

There is an open issue ticket here where you can subscribe to receive updates on any progress:

To keep you updated (in case you haven't subscribed to the issue ticket):

We have just recently finished development of a Spine LWRP Shaders UPM package that now provides support for the previously existing Spine shaders Spine/Skeleton Lit and Spine/Sprite/Pixel Lit and Vertex Lit which rendered pink due to not being supported in LWRP.
There will be an official release blog post soon (however, the Spine 3.8 release comes first). Further information is listed in this ticket if you are interested: