• Unity
  • SUV2 v1.5: auto React->Mesh conversion, whitespace stripping

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Hi! New version of SpriteUV has been released!

New Spine atlas repack functionality can save a lot of time and resources.

  • Now you can convert Region attachments into Mesh to save more space
  • Whitespace stripping for Rect and Mesh attachments
  • Change attachment scale
  • Per attachment settings
  • Repack multi-page atlas support
  • Sprite mesh splitting for tighter atlas
  • Shared attachments support

More details at https://www.spriteuv.com/tutorial-spine

Please visit http://www.spriteuv.com

Posting your ad here is fine, but I would request you use reasonable packing settings if you are going to compare your polygonal packing with Spine's output (both here and on your website). For example, this is packed much better than what you show:

Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque

That was packed with these settings:

Immagine rimossa a causa della mancanza di supporto per HTTPS. | Mostra Comunque

Converting region attachments into a mesh is neat, but I assume if a user wanted that then they would have used a mesh in Spine. Each mesh vertex (beyond 4) has performance implications.

BTW, your installer ignored my install location and installed in the default location.

... but I would request you use reasonable packing settings ...

I took the atlas from examples folder, but of course you are right, I've changed compromising atlas everywhere with the best I could get without scaling sprites.

Converting region attachments into a mesh is neat, but I assume if a user wanted that then they would have used a mesh in Spine.

The main idea is to help user deal with the whitespace problem when they use Mesh attachment. And give ability to tune Atlas size more flexible, in situation when Power of Two size getting much bigger because of a few maybe not so important or awkwardly shaped sprites.
And of course multiple Spine animation or other assets can be packed together if needed.

Each mesh vertex (beyond 4) has performance implications.

In those situation user can choose to use Rotated bounding box over full mesh if it worth it or just keep as Rect .

BTW, your installer ignored my install location and installed in the default location.

Thank you for pointing that out, I will fix it.

And thank you very much for letting me advertise SpriteUV here!

SpriteUV ha scritto

I took the atlas from examples folder

Ah, makes sense. For the example exports we want them to be as widely useful as possible, so the packing uses power of two sizes (a requirement for some game toolkits and texture compressions).

I've changed compromising atlas everywhere with the best I could get without scaling sprites.


The main idea is to help user deal with the whitespace problem when they use Mesh attachment. And give ability to tune Atlas size more flexible, in situation when Power of Two size getting much bigger because of a few maybe not so important or awkwardly shaped sprites.
And of course multiple Spine animation or other assets can be packed together if needed.

Polygonal packing using the mesh UVs is great and helps Spine users who used whitespace around their mesh image edges before realizing they can't use Spine's whitespace stripping. It's even great for users who don't have extra whitespace around their mesh image edges, but want to pack their mesh images more tightly than Spine can currently do. It's only the (optional) automatic region to mesh conversion feature that I'm not sure about. It's neat, don't get me wrong! I would just expect users to make the regions into meshes in Spine.

Can you perform this repacking without modifying the skeleton data?
If it's forced to modify the skeleton data, is it able to modify the skeleton binaries?

Can you perform this repacking without modifying the skeleton data?

If Spine region settings -> Mesh type : REGION FULL was selected, then Atlas description file will be compartable with old skeleton data.

If it's forced to modify the skeleton data, is it able to modify the skeleton binaries?

Unfortunatly binary data is not supported, mainly because I'm not sure about legal aspect of modifing binary data outside Spine. And the other reason is sensitivity to runtime version .
I assume, users can easily convert modified JSON file to binary using Spine's Command line interface , as described here
Command line tool: convert / import json -> export binary
Or manually by importing JSON data to Spine and re-export skeleton.
I agree it could be annoying, but it's how it is for now.

Good point about converting json to binary.
In that case, does SpriteUV have CLI too?
(So the whole process can be done in one go: json->repacked json->binary)

Yes it has!
Very simple, only one command -b , which stands for Build

To build multiple .suv files command line would look like this:

on Windows: [installation path]/SpriteUV2.exe -b [.suv file path], [.suv file path], ...
on Mac: [SpriteUV2 folder]/Contents/MacOS/SpriteUV2 -b [.suv file path], [.suv file path], ...


C:\Users\[ User Name ]\AppData\Local\SpriteUV2.exe -b C:\Examples\raptor.suv , C:\Examples\goblin.suv

And since .suv file is very simple JSON file all export locations can be extracted and applied to Spine command line after build process finished, I think batch converter can be easily implemented in node.js for instance.