Hey guys, I haven't been on this forum in a long time.
I built 3 apps with Starling/Feathers/Spine back in 2016. They are Enterprise Pharma apps so no app store 🙁
I used Spine for some very cool medical animations.
This was back in early 2016 so I was using around Spine 2.1* and earlier versions of Starling/Feathers. It was before the 3 update.

I need to update these apps and I would like to take advantage of the new enhancements in the Spine editor.

Is Spine-AS3 and Spine-Starling still being actively updated?
Also, are the Spine AS3 examples using the latest updates? I will need to use those to understand whats changed since the 2.*

Any advice on upgrading is welcomed too!

Thanks guys! Spine rules!

Related Discussions

Yes, everything is up-to-date 🙂 spine-starling also supports all Spine features. We'd be super interested in knowing more about your Pharma app Spine use case! You can also hit us up at contact@esotericsoftware.com if you don't want to share anything here.

17 giorni dopo

Thanks guys! Sorry for the delay.
I will put something together and share when I can.
For now I need to read the docs and look at the latest YouTube videos. There have been TONS of upgrades since I last used Spine! Wow!
So happy to know that you guys are thriving. Go Spine!