Hah yeah I've been hoping Desktop will pick up. I'm a solo dev so it basically works fine for just pushing/ pulling to-and-from the laptop, but it might be time to look into something a little more robust π
Hello! Me again with the world's dumbest bug. It's still happening, I still don't expect you to fix it, I'm more here for the curiosity.
I've worked out that when I quit Spine, it's like my keyboard has the alt key 'forced' down. I can't type because it opens windows menus via the shortcuts, and if I drag a file to another location it creates a shortcut.
I've also worked out a workaround - if you re-open Spine and just immediately close it, everything restores. Which is a relief, because before I was having to do a restart.
Anyway, if you're simulating alt presses anywhere, that might be it? :/