• Editor
  • Moving objects back or forward

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Hi my question is basick. I am trying to rig my charackter in Spine program and I would like to know how to move for example leg behind the body? In different program what i did for this was alt + arrows up and down. I want to move one leg behind the body and one to be above the body so it will look natural. I have now two legs above the body . I can't change layers up and down? How you do it , please help🙂 ( Bring object forward or behind)

Hello bart,
You can move the slots up and down in the draw order to change which one is visible first. Basic Concepts - Spine User Guide: Slots
The shortcut is Ctrl + and Ctrl - to move a selected slot up and down in the list. Press also shift to change the draw order by 10 positions. You can see more shortcuts here: Spine: Cheat Sheet
If you're new to Spine I recommend watching the User Guide playlist:
Spine User Guide - Getting Started - YouTube

Hello Erikari, it works !! Works with shift with - / +. Thank you so much for help and for links. I am totally new user, these will help. I thought i can use it without any tutorials but it is impossible. Thanks! 🙂